
Neo scavenger
Neo scavenger

neo scavenger
  1. Neo scavenger how to#
  2. Neo scavenger full#

It includes the opening encounter, and a subset of items, creatures, and crafting recipes from the full version. Buy supplies, get medical care, and seek clues in a cyberpunk-styled city.The demo version is an unlimited time, limited area sample of NEO Scavenger's gameplay. Detroit - Take refuge from the wasteland in one of mankind's last bastions of safety.If you live long enough, you may see snow fall. Dynamic Weather - Temperature, rainfall, and night/day are based on real-world data for autumn in the area.Morale affects their choices, and some will gang-up and cause trouble. Creature AI - Wandering creatures go about their own business, hunting, scavenging, and hoarding.Haunting Soundtrack - Music composed by Josh Culler, specifically for NEO Scavenger, plays periodically, lending an atmosphere of loneliness and desperation.Foraging - Search for edible plants and water, and use special skills to identify what's safe to eat.Mine them for paydata, or snoop through personal files. Hacking - Use hacking skills to unlock scavenged laptops, cellphones, smartphones, and tablets.Hunting - Trap small game for food and fur, or track and kill larger prey on the map for butchering.Hiding - Players can use hiding to avoid being seen while traveling the map, as well as during story encounters.Tracking - Creatures leave their tracks and spoor on the map, which can be followed by others.Line-of-sight, elevation, and daylight matters. Hex-Based World Map - Navigate ruins, hills, forests, and plains in a hex-based map.Fit items in grid spaces, and manage encumbrance. Realistic Inventory - Complex inventory system with slots for holding, wearing, containers, and more.Realistic Metabolism - Hypothermia, fatigue, thirst, hunger, disease, intoxication, shelter.everything is tracked.Realistic Wounds - Creatures have complex wound simulation, with multiple wound locations, infection, bleeding, and pain management.

neo scavenger

Desperate Combat - Detailed combat with moves like "Tackle," "Lure," "Kick While Down," "Demand Surrender," and "Threaten.".Make a rifle scope from half a pair of binoculars, or a noise trap from a pill bottle and pebbles. Crafting - Extensive crafting system which allows for substitutions of similar items.Different combos unlock different abilities and quest branches. Abilities and Flaws - Choose abilities and flaws each time you play.Or simply test your mettle against man and nature alike. Sandbox or Story - Search for clues to your identity, what happened, and who's hunting you.Semi-Random - Much of the map is randomized each game, including the location of ruins, creatures, weather, and certain quest branches.

Neo scavenger how to#

Instead, progress comes from learning how to play the game better, and using your strengths to your advantage.

  • No Grinding - There is no XP in NEO Scavenger.
  • NEO Scavenger is balanced around a single difficulty level: permadeath.

    neo scavenger

    Save and quit when you want, and resume later.

  • Turn-Based Play - Take your time with each turn, and play at your own pace.
  • Unique Setting - Near-future, post-apocalyptic Michigan with local cryptids and folklore.
  • Choose your starting abilities carefully, because they and your wit are the only tools you have in the apocalypse! Features And with each passing minute, the pit in your stomach grows, your dehydration worsens, your muscles tire, and your body temperature drops in the cold autumn air. Each turn, you must decide where to go, how to scavenge for supplies, and how to deal with anything and anyone you encounter. NEO Scavenger is a game where you must survive in the wasteland long enough to figure out who you are.

    Neo scavenger